Badu Senior High Technical

Badu Senior High Technical

Gender: Mixed
Housing status: Day and Boarding
Year of Establishment: 1991

The of Head: Frank Oppong



Our aim is to ensure that this educational establishment grows and attracts a greater number of students who will be self-disciplined and go on to achieve academic success.


The mission of the school is to give JHS graduates who enrol in the school with a good education and moral instruction. Students in this category will receive instruction in the humanities, as well as technical and agricultural vocational fields.

After that, they will receive training to help them learn the values and abilities that will enable them to be valuable not only to themselves but also to the community and the nation as a whole.

In the final step of the process, they will participate in the education programmes that will prepare them to enrol in higher institutions such as universities, colleges of education, and polytechnics.



The Badu Experimental Junior Secondary School was renamed the Badu Secondary Technical School on January 28, 1991, and Mr. T. E. K. Hassan was appointed as the school’s first headmaster at that time.

Twenty students were enrolled in the School when it first opened, along with three National Service personnel.


There were three (3) different programmes available, including agriculture, technical, and home economics.


Later on, the home economics programme was discontinued, and it was succeeded by the business curriculum. In 2007, a General Arts course was included as an elective option for students to choose.

See also  Courses Taught At Menji Senior High School.


On the road that connects Badu and Wenchi, the school can be found around 1.5 kilometres in that direction.



  1. WASSCE:

Between 2007 and 2009, there was a considerable jump in the amount of students who achieved passing scores on the WASSCE. In 2007, just twelve out of the total of seventy-three candidates who were submitted were unsuccessful. In 2008, the overall percentage of those who passed was 83.6, there were seventy five (75) candidates, and just two (2) were unsuccessful. The passing mark is set at 97.3 percent. In conclusion, there were one hundred sixty five (165) candidates in 2009 who were given a total of fourteen (14) failures. This results in a passing grade of 91.5 percent.

• The school has scored 100% passes in
WASSCE for the past five years.
•The percentage of students passing with credits in six subjects including English, Mathematics, and Science improved with the best in the past year is 43%.
•One of the students, Miss Serwah Patricia of Arts 2A, was selected to represent the Brong Ahafo Region in 800m in the Inter-Regional.
•Schools and Colleges SportsFes, a festival held in Wa in the year 2015.

•Winners, several gold, silver and bronze
medals in the various Super Zonal


  1. CLASSROOMS. 13 Available
  2. LABORATORIES: Improvised one. Student also use the science resource centre.
  3. LIBRARY: Improvised one stocked with textbooks, library books, magazines and newspapers.

Football, volleyball and handball fields.


€ No. of Students (SHS 1): 250
€ No. of Students (SHS 2): 304
€ No. of Students (SHS 3): 199
€ EMIS Code: 202060001
€ WAEC Code: 0060602

See also  St. James Sem & Senior High School

Telephone: 0208237325
Location: Badu/Wenchi
District: Tain
Latitude: 7.689753
Longitude: -2.231033


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